all , commentary , essays , letter to the editor I am appalled at the news of mask bans. Rejected Letter to the Editor, October 2024. 2024-10-29
all , commentary , essays , letter to the editor Thoughts on the Scranton Times-Tribune newspaper. 2024-10-17
all , commentary , letter to the editor Scary letters to the editor on mask bans from people who want us to live in a surveillance state. 2024-08-28
all , commentary , letter to the editor Pennsylvanians Against Covid Letter to the Editor published in The Philadelphia Inquirer about pandemic barriers to attract people to the teaching profession. 2024-06-24
all , commentary , letter to the editor Pointless Great Barrington Declaration b.s. in a letter to the editor in my local newspaper. 2024-03-30
all , commentary , essays , letter to the editor How about let’s take the temperature down on the rhetoric? 2024-03-29
all , commentary , letter to the editor , scrapbook Daylight Savings Time, Letter to the Editor 2024-03-22
all , commentary , letter to the editor Geisinger Healthcare System to nurses: “Work sick!” 2024-03-14
all , letter to the editor , scrapbook Sedevacantism, and naming “progressives” as “the enemy” 2024-01-06
all , commentary , essays , letter to the editor , scrapbook The problem is, we’re not post pandemic. 2023-12-03
all , commentary , essays , letter to the editor , scrapbook Lockdown revisionist hysteria taken to its ultimate conclusion. 2023-12-20
all , commentary , letter to the editor Compuslory teen poll workers sounds like a bad idea. 2023-12-02
all , commentary , letter to the editor Covid contrarian trucker offers charity infection control supplies. 2023-11-18
all , commentary , essays , letter to the editor Prom covid can lead to worse than quarantine. 2022-04-25