“She labels those who killed ‘joiners’, because they were motivated not primarily by a desire to kill Tutsi but by a desire to be fully part of the group that was taking part in the killing (Fujii, 2009).”
Tag: politics
Politicians are out of touch.
Politicians are in info cocoons, just like we all have a tendency to be these days, and they’re not listening, or maybe not hearing enough from enough of us.
Susquehanna County Pennsylvania free library fires the librarian because of LGBTQ+ books.
“Hundreds of people on Monday protested the termination of the Susquehanna County Library’s administrator and demanded for the protection of LGBTQ+ books.”
There is no system that you can just adopt and then set it and forget it.
There’s no political perpetual motion machine. Society will never work like a crock pot.
Elected representatives care about what their constituents say.
No matter the issue, you are always best off contacting your own elected representatives.
Your voice does matter.
Though it may seem that things will keep going, and Trump nominees will pass into the administration, it’s still important to register their unpopularity with your elected officials so that this is at the forefront of their understanding — that there is widespread opposition.
Even Trump voters didn’t sign up for invading Greenland, right?
The whole Greenland thing should be dropped. Nobody voted for this.
Far from being satisfied, winning just emboldens the violent Trumpies.
The idea that you can satiate people determined to create havoc and harm is ridiculous on its face. In the wake of the election in 2016 I witnessed harassment myself almost immediately.
Stephen Miller behind a lawsuit for an anti-vax activist seeking to silence internet researchers.
“a remarkably unprecedented state of affairs like that is an astonishing breach of norms”
Mike Johnson immediately introduces misinformation into the new Congress.
Mike Johnson read some kind of supposedly inspirational prayer upon being elected House speaker, but he inappropriately tried to claim that it was written by Thomas Jefferson, the historic figure so notoriously non-religious that he actually made a version of The Holy Bible that omitted all the miracles…
Letters to reps.
each person who writes really makes a larger difference than you might expect
Hinting atrocities.
I just keep racking up instances where I see things going on in the US that are eerily familiar to things I’ve read about Rwanda. Seems problematic.
Josh Shapiro’s ongoing gift missteps.
This governor hasn’t been reading the room since the get-go
This letter to the editor with a threat naming progressives as the enemy of Christians was published in the Scranton Times-Tribune newspaper on January 6th 2024.
This is quite clearly the type of language known to incite stochastic violence by people who believe themselves to be vigilantes.
I thought it was pretty obvious these things were connected.
I thought it was obvious why Joe Biden’s pardon of Hunter Biden immediately followed the announcement of Kash Patel being appointed to the FBI.
“Behind the scenes” hopium peddling needs to stop.
Savior syndrome, normalcy bias, and apocalyptic hopium, it’s all a bamboozle.
Marty Makary is a covid contrarian, cozy with anti-vaxxers.
There’s good reason he’s welcomed into the seedy MAGA ranks of Trumpy Trumpworld.
The grass is not that much greener on the blue sky.
Don’t Wait For Everybody – Episode 013
Centering humanity in organizing.
And the name of the game in coalitions is that we have to be able to align with people that we are not fully in agreement with in the name of a larger cause. That goes for any movement. And it goes for any cause.
Neera Tanden’s missteps and the disability justice information space.
A reputation that was never that great. Neera Tanden has been accused of Hatch Act violations while working at the White House. This embarrassment is not unexpected sadly. Government Executive – Senior White House official violated the Hatch Act, OSC says A filing with the Merit Systems Protection Board alleges that Biden’s domestic policy advisor […]
The Long covid issue has been heavily co-opted by the right-wing.
I’m sorry to those just finding out which way people are willing to go right now, I’ve seen it happening gradually over the years. It makes sense because obviously Republicans and conservatives get Long Covid too – perhaps even moreso because they’ve been less likely to take precautions or even get vaccinated in many cases. Science research, […]