Massachusetts state Senator Will Brownsberger, Democrat from Boston, introduced a bill that would prohibit municipalities and boards of health from enacting mask bans that include banning “protective or medical use” of wearing masks in public.
Tag: anti-mask
Natural herd immunity debt misinfo inexplicably published in liberal media in November 2024.
The CDC warns that a respiratory illness preceding a case of walking pneumonia can increase the risk of severity. But Huffpost wants people to blame mask mandates from 3+ years ago.
Public comment to CDC HICPAC committee November 2024 by Chloe
Going backward is a choice. We know better now. We use surgical gloves, autoclaves, disinfectants, checklists and yes, respirator masks exist. But big healthcare corporations don’t wanna pay for that, they lock up PPE, force nurses to work without sick leave at hospitals, and make patients beg for reasonable accommodation.