I am appalled at the news of mask bans. Rejected Letter to the Editor, October 2024.

I submitted this to the Times-Tribune on October 5, 2024, and never heard back, so I’m posting it here.

I am appalled at the news of mask bans popping up in various places. I ought to have a right to protect myself from the elements: viruses, pollen, pollution, wildfire smoke, or cold, by wearing a mask. Health exceptions are not sufficient because having to carry papers or explain medical status is Un-American. Anonymity should not be forbidden and we should be allowed liberty of movement, a right described in our Constitution. There are already reports of disabled and elderly being targeted with harassment. It was in the news that a cancer patient in North Carolina, at a time a mask ban was merely proposed, was “confronted by a man who shouted expletives and called her a liberal for wearing the mask”, he feigned coughing and said he hopes the cancer kills her. It was also in the news that a mayor in Kentucky, a state with the highest rates of cancer, suggested mask bans would “curb gun violence” – instead of doing something about the guns, which seems entirely misguided. Mask bans are likely to lead to more violence. There have been letters to the editor in a New York newspaper suggesting vigilantism – one suggesting that others should harass people wearing masks by rudely taking photos, and fear mongering with the suggestion that masked elderly community members might actually be dangerous criminals “in costume”, which is ridiculous. Mask bans put targets on vulnerable innocent citizens who already have been marginalized by a society that’s politicized personal safety and is failing in the prevention of various disease spread. It’s a grotesque irony for people with cancer to get difficult and expensive treatments, only to be recklessly infected with a virus because masks are criminalized in some places. I hope nobody suggests such a nonsense law in northeastern Pennsylvania.







