That isn’t the American way things work, but people elected to school boards may not be familiar with Schoolhouse Rock.
letters to reps
Donald Trump has repeatedly wrong economic advisor Kevin Hassett working on bird flu.
Kevin Hassett is an economist with a history of being way wrong. At a press briefing, the Trump administration spokesperson Karoline Leavitt explicitly blamed the egg prices on the Biden administration’s Department of Agriculture quote “directing the mass killing of 100 million chickens.” Of course this was because of avian influenza and the threat posed […]
Trump administration attempts to impound appropriations under the responsibility of Congress.
The odd memo out of the White House that started freezing access to Medicaid portals and threatened to shut down daycares is some pretty wild overreach…
Bizarre RFKJR confirmation hearing.
RFKJr is a terrible anti-vaxxer. But there are so many other problems as well with him taking over the entirety of the federal healthcare in the US. The threat can’t be overstated.
Deregulation is another way of saying buyer beware.
I’ve also heard it said a few times that it should just be called “re-regulation” because in fact what so-called deregulation does is just switch the regulation from protecting consumers to protecting bad actors.
Tax prep company lobbying to get Donald Trump to kill IRS Direct File.
Nearly 30 House Republicans are asking President-elect Donald Trump to stop the IRS free tax filing service, Direct File, on day one of his new administration.
Trump administration hides critical health and safety information from the public.
Why is the Trump administration locking down public safety information from the federal health agencies?
AI search is not a search engine, it’s just dysfunctional.
We should not be forced to use this stuff in order to access information on the internet.
Trump quits the US from WHO like he’s cancelling his country club membership.
Membership in the WHO isn’t like giving to some sketch non-profit charity in order to get tax favour.
Trump HUD nominee mega-pastor Scott Turner thinks housing assistance can be compared to slavery.
This is obviously not someone who even thinks things through before they speak in public, or maybe ever.
Your voice does matter.
Though it may seem that things will keep going, and Trump nominees will pass into the administration, it’s still important to register their unpopularity with your elected officials so that this is at the forefront of their understanding — that there is widespread opposition.
Hospitals respond to disease outbreaks instead of preventing them.
An “uptick” is what they call it when half the staff at any job has been out sick during the last month or so.
Legislation against municipal mask bans introduced by President pro tempore of the Massachusetts Senate.
Massachusetts state Senator Will Brownsberger, Democrat from Boston, introduced a bill that would prohibit municipalities and boards of health from enacting mask bans that include banning “protective or medical use” of wearing masks in public.
Even Trump voters didn’t sign up for invading Greenland, right?
The whole Greenland thing should be dropped. Nobody voted for this.
Far from being satisfied, winning just emboldens the violent Trumpies.
The idea that you can satiate people determined to create havoc and harm is ridiculous on its face. In the wake of the election in 2016 I witnessed harassment myself almost immediately.
Mike Johnson immediately introduces misinformation into the new Congress.
Mike Johnson read some kind of supposedly inspirational prayer upon being elected House speaker, but he inappropriately tried to claim that it was written by Thomas Jefferson, the historic figure so notoriously non-religious that he actually made a version of The Holy Bible that omitted all the miracles…
Rejecting Medicare DIS-Advantage.
Privatizing Medicare is where the fraud, waste, and abuse comes in.
Net neutrality rules struck down by activist federal court that maybe doesn’t like the fact that presidents change at intervals???
The federal court wants to decide on this, and decided it doesn’t like “vacillations” that happen at the FCC because of… democratic elections.
It’s hard to convince people, but they can be nudged.
We need regulatory incentives for doctors to explain the benefits of vaccination to patients.
Tech tycoons want to hog the power of dedicated power plants from the communities impacted by them.
I don’t think power plants should ever exist solely to provide power to some tech company.
Law enforcement memento mori.
Why are law enforcement agencies allowed to use grim memento mori themed swag for their “task forces”?
Congress needs to ensure telehealth access continues for Medicare patients.
Congress needs to ensure telehealth access continues for patients.