This is a letter I received TODAY, February 11, 2025 Please don’t expect Josh Shapiro to emerge as a leader for us. That’s a hopeless cause and should be dismissed outright. He is complicit. He’s not a solution, he’s part of the problem. How many Republican governors have said this about Barack Obama or Joe […]
Deer brain disease found in the region of Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania.
“Two male deer have tested positive for chronic wasting disease (CWD) in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania…”
Multiple motivations behind atrocities.
“She labels those who killed ‘joiners’, because they were motivated not primarily by a desire to kill Tutsi but by a desire to be fully part of the group that was taking part in the killing (Fujii, 2009).”
Elected representatives care about what their constituents say.
No matter the issue, you are always best off contacting your own elected representatives.
Pro-Trump Pastor: “We drank the kool-aid and it’s orange.”
Shane Vaughn claims “They” (whoever that is), forced him into the Trump cult.
Bird flu gets snow goose flocks in Pennsylvania.
Flocks of snow geese have been infected with avian influenza in the Allentown region of Pennsylvania.
Hinting atrocities.
I just keep racking up instances where I see things going on in the US that are eerily familiar to things I’ve read about Rwanda. Seems problematic.
This letter to the editor with a threat naming progressives as the enemy of Christians was published in the Scranton Times-Tribune newspaper on January 6th 2024.
This is quite clearly the type of language known to incite stochastic violence by people who believe themselves to be vigilantes.
PA Democratic Party politicians celebrate corporate giveaway.
Less than 10 days after having to deny being elitists who’ve abandoned the working class, to defend the party’s historic defeats they announce millions of taxpayer money being given to a literal bank.
“Repeat it often enough and it becomes undeniable – something “everybody” knows.“
Political campaign basics from Rand Waltzman on Linkedin.