10 postcards out of 100 to Biden, Recommendations from the People’s CDC External Review of the CDC
Postcard front is a rocky gray body pitted with craters floating in the blackness of space. Postcard back is printed with the caption VESTA’S NORTH POLE This 2012 close-up image shows the massive asteroid Vesta’s north pole. Vesta is the second most massive object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter (after the dwarf planet Ceres), and the brightest asteroid in the sky. In handwriting postcard is dated May 11, 2023 and reads Dear Joe Biden, Recommendation for the CDC #1. “Treat covid-19 like the serious threat it is.” From A people’s external review of the CDC peoplescdc.org/externalreview Chloe in Scranton, it is addressed to President Joe Biden at the White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington DC 20500 and has 2 rabbit additional ounce stamps affixed. The front of the postcard is a photo of stars in a background of colourful nebula like space scene. The back of hte postcard is printed with THE PLEIADES Scientists estimate that the Pleiades star cluster (also known as the Seven Sisters) contains somewhere between 250 to 500 stars. The stars in the Pleiades are only a hundred million years old, much younger than our five-billion-year-old Sun. In handwriting the postcard is dated May 12, 2023 Dear Joe Biden, Recommendation for the CDC #2. Inform the public that Long Covid is disabling millions and can affect anyone, including kids. from a people’s external review of the CDC peoplescdc.org/externalreview Chloe in Scranton. The postcard is addressed to President Joe Biden The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington DC 20500 and has an orange barn postcard stamp affixed.The front of the postcard is a photograph of a starscape and stardust. The back of the postcard is printed with NGC 1316 May 13, 2023 Located in the Fornax cluster 75 million light-years from Earth, NGC 1316 may have formed after the collision of several spiral galaxies. This galaxy is one of the universe’s largest radio sources; the radio emissions are most likely caused by material drifting into the black hole at the galaxy’s center. In handwrigint the date is May 13, 2023, Dear Joe Biden, Recommendation for the CDC #Emphasize covid is AIRBORNE from a People’s External Review of the CDC. peoplescdc.org/externalreview Chloe in Scranton PA. The postcard is addressed to President Joe Biden The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington DC 20500 and has a red barn with farm field postcard stamp affixedThe front of the postcard is an image of a starscape in blue, with a red circle around a bright red star. The back of the postcard is printed with HYPERNOVA This concept image, based on Spitzer Space Telescope observations, captures a hypernova (a stellar explosion with more energy than a supernova) 3 billion light- years from Earth. In handwriting the postcard is dated May 14, 2023 Dear Joe Biden, Promote the pandemic plan you ran your first campaign promoting! #4 Promote a comprehensive pandemic plan using layers of protection to decrease transmission. from A people’s review of the CDC peoplescdc.org/exterwalreview Chloe in Scranton PA The postcard is addressed to President Joe Biden The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington DC 20500 and there is a red barn next to a windmill in the sunset postcard stamp affixed.The front of the postcard is a photo of a closeup of a sunspot that looks a bit like the iris of an eye, in orange. The back of the postcard has printed DETAIL OF A SUNSPOT This detailed image taken in 2010 by the New Jersey Institute of Technology’s New Solar Telescope at the Big Bear Solar Observatory-a project partially funded by NASA-features an enormous sunspot on the photosphere of the Sun that is slightly larger than the Earth. In handwriting the postcard is dated May 15, 2023 Dear Joe Biden, The best way to end the pandemic is to actually end the pandemic! People’s CDC recommendation #5: Teach people that protecting each other is the most effective and ethical approach to end the pandemic. peoplescdc.org/externalreview Chloe in Scranton Pennsylvania. The postcard is addressed to President Joe Biden The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington DC 20500 and there is a red barn next to a windmill in the sunset postcard stamp affixed.The front of the postcard is a picture of a wide big waterfall in summer surrounded by green leaf trees. The back of the card has printed Ithaca falls and a description of the 100 foot falls in the Finger Lakes. In handwriting the postcard is dated May 16, 2023. Dear Joe Biden, Recommendation of the People’s CDC #6 Partner with impacted communities to plan pandemic responses. From a People’s External Review of the CDC, peoplescdc.org/externalreview Listen to the people affected! Chloe Humbert in Scranton Pennsylvania. The postcard is addressed to President Joe Biden The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington DC 20500 and there is a postcard stamp with tropical fish on it affixedThe front of the postcard is a drawing of a woman in a lab coat holding a model of an eyeball. The captions read PATRICIA BATH OPHTHALMOLOGIST AND INVENTOR INVENTOR OF THE LASERPHACO PROBE USED TO TREAT CATARACTS PIONEERED VOLUNTEER-BASED TO BRING EYE CARE TO OUTREACH PEOPLE IMPOVERISHED COFOUNDER OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE FOR THE PREVENTION OF BLINDNESS. Quote “BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF TRUTH… DO NOT ALLOW YOUR MIND TO BE IMPRISONED BY MAJORITY THINKING.” – PATRICIA BATH The back of the postcard is in handwriting Dear Joe Biden, May 17, 2023 #7 CDC policies should protect the rights of all people to meet their basic needs without risking Covid infection from A people’s external review of the CDC by the People’s CDC peoplescdc.org/external review I want to be able to get an endoscopy without having someone Breathing on me & filling the room with virus. This is common sense! Chloe in Scranton Pennsylvania The postcard is addressed to President Joe Biden The White HOUSE 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW WASHINGTON DC 20500 There is a postcard stamp with eels on it affixed. The front of the postcard is the meme of Lucy pulling away the football at the last moment when Charlie Brown tries to kick it so he goes sailing into the air. The caption reads lifting masks in hospitals based on the end of the PHE declaration. Basing critical medical decisions on a political football. Quote “following the politics” The back of the postcard is in handwriting dated may 18, 2023. Dear Joe Biden. People’s CDC recommendation #8 base recommendations on the best available science. From A people’s External Review of the CDC peoplescdc.org/externalreview. Following the politics is deadly when it comes to public health. Chloe in Scranton PA. The postcard is addressed to President Joe Biden The White HOUSE 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW WASHINGTON DC 20500 There is a postcard stamp with tropical fish in coral on it affixed. The front of the postcard is a black and white star field. The back of the postcard is in handwriting dated May 19th 2023 Dear Joe Biden, People’s CDC recommendation #9 Gather and use the best data in order to make the best policy. from A People’s External Review of the CDC peoplescdc.org/externalreview The CDC is just giving up tracking anything. We’re in the DARK. Chloe Humbert in Scranton Pennsylvania The postcard is addressed to President Joe Biden USA The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington DC 20500 and has a barn postcard stamp affixedThe front of the postcard is a watercolor painting of the planet Uranus. The caption reads PLANET URANUS 我与你有千万距离 I am far away from you. The back of the postcard is in handwriting dated 05 20 23. Dear Joe Biden, People’s CDC recommendation # 10. Build a sustainable public health and social safety net to respond to covid19 and future pandemics. peoplescdc.org/externalreview. you’re not giving us what was promised on the campaign trail in 2020. I want that plan. Chloe in Scranton Pennsylvania The postcard is addressed to President Joe Biden The White House on 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington DC 20500 a postcard stamp with a black fish is affixed.