Australia is now only recommending covid vaccination for children with high risk conditions, meaning they will fail to prevent conditions that could’ve been prevented. Sweden and the UK also restrict the vaccine from the broad child population. In the U.S. where children can still get vaccinated, uptake is just 13.7%.
What are the implications for public health practice? MIS-C cases continue to occur but at low rates, making ongoing surveillance valuable. COVID-19 vaccination remains important for preventing MIS-C.
A wild-type measles virus in the brain develops one or more point mutations in its genome that initially halt the virus’s replication and spread, but later cause chronic encephalitis, inflammation, and demyelination. In a typical SSPE patient, the latent period preceding symptoms is 7 to 10 years, but sometimes exceeds two decades. Final clinical findings include a poignant constellation of visual abnormalities, convulsions, myoclonic jerks, and cognitive decline eventually culminating in mutism, spasticity, coma, and death.
When diseases like covid and measles are able to spread in schools without much, if any, mitigation, or even adequate isolation requirements in too many places, at the same time children are not even being vaccinated, sounds an awful lot like a eugenics plan.