Geisinger to patients: “You’re getting covid and any other infectious diseases the nurses come to work with!”
This is a letter to the editor is a letter published in my local newspaper from state lawmakers to the CEO of Geisinger Healthcare System. Maybe they’ll have more luck than I did when I wrote asking for reasonable accommodation. They wrote back blathering about how they care about “patient experience” – but seemed unconcerned about patient safety.
In addition, the healthcare professionals at the Geisinger Community Medical Center campus are rightfully frustrated that the hospital zeroed out the Extended PTO time (employees’ sick time) for every member of the new bargaining units. Further, the proposal to eliminate all sick time for RNs and nurse anesthetists as well is an unacceptable way to treat these dedicated professionals.
Here’s a pdf of the letter: 2024-0313-times-tribuneGEISINGERrepsletter.pdf
From the newspaper article:

I also posted this on Tumblr.
Personal Note: I live in Scranton and I can’t go to any other hospital besides this one because I have Geisinger insurance that has no other hospital in my county that’s in my insurance plan. Of course another hospital in Scranton was scandalized in The Washington Post in 2020 because that hospital had nurses, including a pregnant nurse, potentially exposing babies in the NICU after shifts in a covid ward!