Public health has been under attack. Community care and cooperation is natural and desirable. Moral disengagement is anything but normal.
I would prefer to counter this.
@wsbgnl on twitter 2:32 AM · Dec 7, 2022
The US has “learned to live with covid” not by effectively addressing the problem, but through a broad deliberate effort to erode empathy, break solidarity, desensitize the public to mass illness and mass death, and inculcate a sense of hopelessness and futility
Moral Disengagement
According to Bandura (1996) moral disengagement is an internal thought process by which an individual is able to disengage their own inner moral control to justify inhumane conduct. For the most part, an individual’s moral standards, which are a product of their social and cultural learning, serve to regulate human behavior. This occurs by the self-sanctions that people apply to themselves when they violate their own internal standards. Self condemnation is a highly uncomfortable psychological state leading to devaluation of self worth and considerable anxiety (Bandura 1990). Consequently, most people seek to avoid a state in which their own actions are not in line with their internal moral standards. One such process, moral disengagement, involves the use of a variety of psycho-social mechanisms that allow an individual or group to disengage from their self regulatory standards and exonerate their violent behavior. The definitions of the eight mechanisms are included in Table 3 below.

Simple Sabotage

Moral Sabotage in the Pandemic
The tables below are in the PDF file.

How and why is there this attack on our values?
Elite panic, big money, ad campaigns, tricky influence, warped science, and repetition.