have PTSD and anxiety. And apparently that’s associated with poorer outcomes from covid – specifically DEATH! Being called an alarmist, I continue to call bullshit on that specious self-contradictory argument against my interest in protecting myself. Of course regardless of the risk of death and hospitalization, it’s perfectly natural, normal, and sensible, to not want to get ill or risk worsening existing conditions. It’s normal to want to avoid sickness for so many logical reasons, even if someone’s not already disabled with “underlying conditions” that put one at higher risk for severe outcomes. Accusing someone pejoratively of being “anxious” OR railing against being called “anxious” as if that’s a bad thing, are both ableist illogical stances that I shun entirely. I also find it off-putting when ableist insults are used in “turnabout is fair play” gambits. We can acknowledge that anxiety serves a purpose, while it also can be a health condition. And I want us as a society to steer far clear of legitimizing political abuse of psychology.