Responding to and mitigating harms, can be good for the financials of regular people — with the right policies.

Forbes – Wealth Gains Across Income Groups Show A Strong And Equitable Economic Recovery – Christian Weller – Apr 2, 2024 The recovery from the pandemic induced recession was fast and equitable. This does not mean that many households are not struggling. They are. But, many households saw meaningful improvements to their short-term financial security and longer-term economic mobility. Those improvements were widespread by income, unlike the experience of the last recession, when economic security and opportunities became more concentrated at the top. These equitable gains would not have been possible without large and continued investments in the economy by the federal government.
This is why there’s such a chorus of voices to demand that the pandemic is “over” now. People with money don’t want wealth gains to be equitable, or even happen at all, for the working class. This is WHY they had to stop all mitigation, and assert that there was no longer any need to support people. Because having a government that makes provisions for people to deal with illness and disease spread is a threat to keeping the working class poor and over a barrel.
It’s just greed at this point because either way most catastrophes benefit those with a lot, because people with power and money typically prioritize their own interests over actually responding to disasters. There are always people who are already wealthy, and make out like bandits in any financial downturn. Some bet on the side of catastrophe and others eject in their golden parachutes before the reckoning comes due. Some industries of course are just worried it’s bad for some businesses. But the whole idea that you can’t mitigate disease spread and help people stay healthy, because it would be bad for the economy – is bullshit.