SEO has nerfed the topic. Shadowbanning is why many people don’t hear about the pandemic continuing and often don’t find info about public health on the internet. I have repeatedly talked about this SEO issue, but precious few listen. I have recently posted documentation of the shadowbanning of Nicolas Smit. You can go down a whole ‘nother road with the CDC aerosol transmission timeline, and how the Trump administration eschewed elastomerics so nurses would have to reuse N95s in 2020, and that meant some company would get the contracts to clean them — and what’s more, they shipped N95s off to other countries ensuring a shortage would continue! Then after the shortage was no more, and hospitals had stockpiles of N95s, they were still rationing them and keeping them from nurses. And then the Biden administration continued to prohibit advertising of N95s long after shortages were over. It took until June 2023, for Nicolas Smit to get anywhere with the Biden administration, in lifting this advertising ban and Google announcing they’d stop censoring mask manufacturers already! And then Nicolas Smit was shadowbanned on Twitter. There were loads of people yelling about this stuff. Into a void with little coverage. And yet, strangely, you don’t hear about this from Matt Taiibbi. Nor anyone else much really.
And this is just one data point really, of how the pandemic and public health issues have been nerfed on the internet.