The odd memo out of the White House that started freezing access to Medicaid portals and threatened to shut down daycares is some pretty wild overreach…
Tag: Trump
Pro-Trump Pastor: “We drank the kool-aid and it’s orange.”
Shane Vaughn claims “They” (whoever that is), forced him into the Trump cult.
Hinting atrocities.
I just keep racking up instances where I see things going on in the US that are eerily familiar to things I’ve read about Rwanda. Seems problematic.
I thought it was pretty obvious these things were connected.
I thought it was obvious why Joe Biden’s pardon of Hunter Biden immediately followed the announcement of Kash Patel being appointed to the FBI.
Trump sending tests to Putin — part of a larger cynical pandemic narrative.
So many of these journalists and reporters knew all sorts of things but you don’t find out until they release the “bombshell” books.
Book about the first October Surprise.
“Reagan, Carter, and the Secret History of the Treason That Stole the White House”
Do we really think Donald Trump is aware of maternal-child healthcare?
Am I the only one who feels like this op-ed is anthropomorphizing Trump? This seems beyond “sane-washing” going on here.
From pandemic denial conspiracy fictions, to anti-trans… extremists took over yet another school board in Pennsylvania.
This seems to be a recurring theme, and the school board anti-trans bathroom garbage and Black history book bans, is also tied up with pandemic misinformation, and it’s connected to the election disinformation and people involved in January 6th stuff. It all seems to be part of the same political movement in opposition to public […]
Everyone can say the F-word, it’s undeniable.
Trump told his white house chief of staff John Kelly, a retired general that he wanted generals like Hitler had.
Lab Leak Truthers are Pandemic Deniers.
The false internal logic of being mad about a lab leak, but being cool with spreading the virus.
The memory holing of the misuse of Arlington Cemetery.
Getting this reminder after the memory holing of this event is additionally jarring.
Luzerne County manager pressured to reverse decision that would’ve made it harder to safely vote by mail in some Pennsylvania towns.
Those of us who live in northeastern Pennsylvania could easily guess this is probably about Hazleton.